Arsenic is thought to be essential in trace amounts, however the benefits are not known. It is used in homeopathic treatments for some digestive problems including burning pain and symptoms of dehydration. However, it is a metallic element that is extremely poisonous. Most people receive an adequate amount from their diet.
How This Mineral Works in Your Body:
It is not clear how arsenic works in the body exactly
Supplementation is generally NOT required
Treats some digestive problems
Toxicity can occur if doses large than 250 mcg are taken a day. Most diets have about 140 mcg per day.
May assist in methionine metabolism
Where This Mineral is Found:
(This is a natural substance that is not produced synthetically)
Starchy vegetables
How to Use:
Available as arsenic album (ars alb), liquid, or tablets.
Over 55:
Due to decreased liver or kidney function older people may have an increased risk of excess arsenic
Do not use.
Do not use.
Keep in a cool and dry location and away from direct light, but do not freeze.
Keep safely away from children.
Do not keep in bathroom medicine cabinet. Heat and dampness may alter the action of the mineral.
Symptoms of Deficiency:
No known symptoms exist
For accidental overdose: dial 911 (emergency), 0 for operator or call your closest Poison Control Center for immediate attention.
Effect on Lab Tests:
Effects are unknown
Side Effects:
Chronic symptoms include headaches, convulsion, confusion, drowsiness and change in color of fingernails.
Acute symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, blood in urine, muscle cramps, fatigue, weakness, hair loss and dermatitis.
Coma and death are possible when toxic arsenic levels accumulate.
Lungs, skin, kidneys and liver are most affected by toxicity.
Many types of cancer have been linked to arsenic exposure.
If any of these side effects occur, discontinue use of mineral and consult with your physician immediately.
Interacts with : Combined Effect
Dimercaprol : Treats arsenic toxicity, especially in the first 24 hours after exposure.
Vitamin C : Defends (somewhat) against arsenic toxicity.
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